The HaxbyLab@Dartmouth


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The lab actively participates in the development of software systems for neuroimaging research. PyMVPA and NeuroDebian are the two major publicly available systems.


PyMVPA is a Python package intended to ease statistical learning analyses of large datasets. It offers an extensible framework with a high-level interface to a broad range of algorithms for classification, regression, feature selection, data import and export. While it is not limited to the neuroimaging domain, it is eminently suited for such datasets. PyMVPA is truly free software (in every respect) and additionally requires nothing but free-software to run.

PyMVPA stands for MultiVariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) in Python.


NeuroDebian is a turnkey software platform for nearly all aspects of the neuroscientific research process. NeuroDebian takes the ideas of the Neuroimaging Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC), on maximizing research transparency and methods sharing, one step further. It provides a comprehensive suite of readily usable and fully integrated software with a robust deployment infrastructure. Consequently, it improves interoperability among the tools and frees researchers from the burden of tedious installation or upgrade procedures. That, in turn, positively affects their availability for actual research activities, as well as their motivation to test new analysis tools and stay connected with the latest methodological developments in the field. NeuroDebian developers packaged neuroimaging software for the Debian operating system wich maintains the world’s largest archive of integrated free and open source software (FOSS). With a release record of almost two decades, well-known stability, a unique democratic and open development model, Debian provides an ideal foundation for a reliable and versatile research platform.

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